Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.” -Arthur Ashe


Our WHY.

Alone we are Maggie and Kasha, together we are the MASH movement. Mashing over 35 years of experience in education, healthcare, fitness, and community work, as moms, wives, speakers, authors and change-makers. MASH = Movement, Awareness, Service and Health. These core values are the drivers of our social platform and international fundraising events. We aim to help end Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a rare and fatal disease handed to Kasha’s son Jude. One spontaneous mutation in his X chromosome means he cannot produce the protein needed to keep his muscles intact. For him, time is muscle.

So what do you do when life hands you hardship?

Find your people.

Our story is about the power of MASHing with others. We are two life-long friends, sisters and determined women. The two female X ‘s in our logo represent the Greek symbol of Inguz which translates to: where there’s a will there’s a way. These words serve as our guiding mantra as we fight for those who need us.

Our work is rooted in bringing agency to the social inequities that exist in the arena of rare disease and disability. Our mission however, extends beyond rare disease. We connect communities from East to West, encouraging people to move for those who can’t while building a community that supports each other physically, mentally and emotionally along the way. We create space for people to live in the MOVEMENT of life.

We believe in hope, not just for those suffering from Duchenne but for anyone who is journeying through hardship. No matter what you are carrying, know we are always here for you, waiting and ready to MASH. We truly believe in connection. We are so glad you are here…



  • 1 in 5,000 males born in Canada will be diagnosed with Duchenne

  • Most won’t be diagnosed until their fifth birthday

  • More than 90% of boys will be in a wheelchair by the age of 15

  • There are currently six treatments approved in other countries while boys in Canada have no access to approved drugs